<b>Teaching English in Binyamin</b>

EFL English Teachers in the Benjamin District of Israel

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

ETAI Convention and a rant

There were lots of teachers at the ETAI Convention of Israeli English Teachers. And many were from the Benjamin Region, north of Jerusalem.

One even spoke to me about this blog, which is very encouraging. I believe that blogging should be utilized by English teachers.

It's always a treat to go to the convention, even when I only go for one day. Lots of old friends are English teachers, though many are retiring.

ETAI isn't a workers union, and it isn't associated with the two teachers unions. I think that we've missed out of our greatest chance to contribute our knowledge and experience to Israeli education because of that. I find it very frustrating. I truly hope that some of the younger teachers will take on the challenge of getting involved in the regular unions.

Even though English here is EFL, not ESL, the Education Ministry's English Department makes policies as if we're responsible for general education, but in English. So instead of concentrating on "teaching English" we are forced to teach the kids "projects" and research and internet and "thinking," etc. Yes, these things are important, but they must be part of the regular Hebrew curriculum.

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